Posted on July 26 2017




So we decide to head to the windy city this past weekend, also known as Chicago. Chicago is one of our favorite cities in the world to ride in. It's full of amazing scenery, roads, and just makes for great back drops when shooting and riding. The ride that went down, was called the Lean Back in Chi-Raq Ride. It's the first of more to come, being apart of the first was awesome. People from all over the midwest showed up, along with some friends from Miami and Arizona. It's always a little never racking when we go out of town and ride either on someone's first ride, or just riding with new people in general. You're not familiar with how everyone rides like you are back at home, so it takes a little while to figure out where everyone is, how the ride, and what they like to do, before you can really settle in and do your thing. And sometimes, you get a little too comfortable and push the limits a little too far, or even get distracted.







In this case, this guy was riding great, cruising along in the ride on one wheel at a nice steady pace. The first shot you see as the camera swings around to the back, is him in a nice stand-up wheelie. He starts to get a little close to the camera we swing it around to catch him on the right side of us. He throws his left leg back to the passenger seat and and starts to bring the bike back pretty far. Sometimes when we do this, if you're not steady on the throttle, the bike becomes a little unstable and wants to go either right or left. In this case, the bike decides to go left, and there's not much the rider can do to stop it. He actually holds on to the end which probably prevented more severe injuries. But he's a trooper to hang on to this thing for as long as he did. After taking a tumble over the top, he pulls himself together and gets back up and continues on the ride. Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your day to hang out on our website with us. Hit us up if you have any comments or suggestions for us. Always love hearing feedback from friends and fans. See ya on one wheel! Thanks, Streetfighterz




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